Cara Caron

Today is important because  I am exchanging a day of my life for it. when tomorrow comes it will be  gone forever leaving in its place something that I have traded for it

No matter what our differences. we all look at the same moon


Everything comes to you in the right moment, be patient.

Sometimes you have to burn a  few bridges to keep the crazies from following you

Every adversity has a gift wrapped  up. Unwrap it and find the gift


You are the Captain of your own ship, if it is going into a storm, YOU can change the direction.

Lay no blame YOU are at the helm of this ship, CHANGE DIRECTION NOW!!!

Love is the flower of life,

and blossoms unexpectedly and without law,

and must be plucked where it is found,

and enjoyed for the brief hour of its duration

Don’t wait for the storm to pass, dance in the rain

You can’t reach for something new if your hands are full of yesterdays junk

There is something to the idea of letting a day evolve in its own way. Sometimes slowing down can be a very good thing. Enjoy today.